Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My sweet boy Andrew

Today our sweet boy is 4 months old!  It is hard to believe that he is getting so big.  I have sat down many times to write a blog sharing my feelings about this little guy and the many feeding issues we are having but somehow my thoughts get all twisted up and I don't know where to start.  But today is the day I set everything aside and say I love this little boy with all that I am and that is all that matters nothing else. I am blessed to be this little boys mother.  

 He is so sweet. 
He has a contagious smile that brightens my day. 
He is a mommas boy.  
He is fearfully and wonderfully made.
He is a child of Gods. 
He was given to us as a gift.

Andrew adores his big brother. He loves to watch him play.  Nathan always wants to give Andrew hugs and kisses.  Nathan says that Andrew is "his Andrew". I can't wait to see how their relationship takes shape in years to come.

My sweet boy we love you and can't wait to see what God has in store for your life. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Life

As many of you know our sweet boy Andrew James Ahrenholtz was born May 19, 2011, 7:53 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs 7.5 oz at McKee Medical Center via C-section.  We were so excited to welcome him into the world.  He came out with a full head of hair looking very much like his big brother.  As our day progressed and we started to become familiar with our little guy we noticed he was not interested in eating or sucking.  The doctors thought nothing of it at first but soon became concerned.  About 36 hours after Andrew was born the pediatrician began taking x-rays, ultrasounds, and many blood tests to try to see if there was an underlying problem.  As the many different results came in they all came back with good news.  His brain looked good, his stomach looked good and all of his labs returned good as well.  So what could be the problem?  No one knew.  No one still knows what is going on.  After the many hours of the unknown the doctors finally concluded that a feeding tube was necessary.  It was so hard to see our newborn get poked and prodded at only 2 days old.  Once the feeding tube was in place we spoke with an OT and discussed Andrews issue with sucking, swallowing and breathing. For the next 8 days we worked with Andrew to  start eating on his own.  He had his good and bad feedings and Brandon and I just worked through it leaning on one another when it felt like we were going backwards.  It was also so hard to be away from Nathan for so long.  He was such a trooper, he loved staying with Nana and Pompo but was missing Mommy and Daddy and his home. 

Finally on day 8 the doctor gave us three options and the only one that sounded promising was to go home.  We were blessed to have great doctors and nurses but we felt it time to go home and be around our normal surroundings and back to our other boy who was in need of his mom and dad too.  Andrew hadn't gained when we left the hospital but we felt it the right choose. 

We have now been home for 5 days and things are still up and down but things are looking more promising each day.  We are still getting a lot of help from my parents with Nathan while we are still figuring Andrew out.  We know that we are blessed that we have Andrew in our lives and that they didn't find anything seriously wrong with him.  We just need to be patient and stay positive during this crazy time of life.  We thank everyone for their love and prayers.  We are truly blessed!

 Getting ready to come home.
 Me and my boys!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Katie's Great Giveways

Today Kaite is giving away a Moby blanket!  I would love to win!  I love my Moby wrap!  I am sure I would love the blanket.  I swaddled my son all the time (probably longer then need be : ) .  It made sleep a constant, beautiful thing!  I am sure this blanket would be a great addition to my swaddle blanket collection for a possible baby #2!  Check it out maybe you might win it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Top 2 favorite things about fall

Autumn is my favorite season.  I love the colors, the smells, the sights and so much more...
#1 Our yearly trip to the mountains to see the leaves change colors. It has become a tradition.  We rent a cabin and enjoy a weekend at a very sweet mountain town.

 #2 I love decorating the house.  I love putting pumpkins everywhere.  I love putting out new place mats.  I love having cute centerpieces.  I love hanging cute decorative leaves around the house.  I love putting out candles that make the house smell delicious.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Good-Bye Long Weekend-Hello Random Rambles

We had big plans for the weekend, shopping, football, baseball bike rides and walks but unfortunately on: 
Friday night our little monkey didn't sleep so soundly but handled it like a trooper.  Every time he stirred I just knew something was wrong.  I just waited to see if it was teething, a tummy bug or a cold.  Around 7:30 Saturday I walked into his room, he was smiling ear to ear happy like normal.  When I got closer I noticed one thing that wasn't normal, he had snot rolling out of his nose.  Poor guy!  Right then and there I knew our weekend plans would need to be modified.  We enjoyed some snuggle time, breakfast and a quick shower.  I needed to make a quick trip to Colorado and we decided to keep with the plan.  We were hoping to make it to the first football game of the season but with a sick boy we decided to cross that one off.

Sunday was a day at home, cuddling, napping and attempting to get food and liquids in the monkey.  He is so stuffed up it wasn't easy.  We did get out for some fresh air.

Today was another day at home resting.  It was windy and cold outside so we thought it best to stay cozy at home.  We had to cross the baseball game off the list.

Nathan has been sleeping through the night with an occasional wake up but puts himself back down within 5 minutes.  He really is a good sick baby.  It's just hard on my heart.  I hate sucking boogers.  He is so stuffy but he needs it, he hates it but he needs it.  He can't drink well because he is stuffy and it breaks my heart because you know he wants it.  He is a little more sensitive which is hard to handle at times.  The poor little guy handles it well but I could probably handle better at times.  It really takes a lot out of a parent when your child is sick.  I know I am complaining and I know I am lucky that it is a simple cold but sometimes I just need to get it all out. 

I know that I am truly blessed and I am thankful for my sweet little family.

Tomorrow is the monkeys 15 month doctors appointment.  I am very curious to know how much he weighs and how much he had grown. Exciting stuff!  I love watching him grow.  He amazes me each and everyday with how much he is growing and learning.  I am one lucky momma!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.  If I didn't have to work anymore I would I am currently not working and getting to do what I want to do, stay home and raise my amazing little boy!  If my husband didn't have to work we would travel.

2.  My favorite thing about a vacation is exploring new places, seeing how other people live their lives, staying at fun hotels and getting to eat out!

3.  When packing for a trip I organize our suitcases, pack more things then we will ever use and I always like to pack my own pillow with my blanket.

4.  If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose  my friend Steph D.  we don't live that close to each other anymore so it would be great to spend more time with her.  We are such dorks together and I love that I am able to be myself with her.  I miss you Steph!

5.  My top 3 absolute travel essentials are medicine allergy, Tylenol, Ibuprofen and many other kinds of medicine, just in case.  I also need my blow dryer, hotel blow dryers take forever to blow dry my hair so I always bring my own.   

6.  Vacations are  are a must!

7.  On vacation you must always  enjoy room service, pick at least one souvenir. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving....all the new scarfs I received for my birthday.

I'm loving...that today is Wednesday which means we have Journey Group with some incredible people.

I'm loving...Nathan's love of raspberries.  It's so cute.

I'm loving...how Nathan says thank you, again so cute.

I'm loving...that my house is clean.

 I'm loving...that I treated myself to an iced java chip granita for cleaning the house.

I'm loving...that in a few days we are off to the lake for another weekend of fun in the sun!